Our careers are our pride, passion and many times lifelines. However, it is also the most easy thing to screw up; especially because of incorrect decisions made or paths taken. Mindspurt has previously written a post about having a career growth plan – so that you know where you are going in your career. This post however, will help to clearly identify what career mistakes to avoid:

25 career mistakes to avoid:
1 – Being driven by money instead of passion
2 – Get bogged down on career plans but without actually trying trying things out
3 – Not having a clear career path
4 – Not choosing the right company
5 – Choosing to work for someone that you don’t share common values with
6 – Not continuously developing your skills
7 – Failing to realize and take opportunities
8 – Becoming complacent in a bad situation
9 – Neglecting your health in pursuit of career growth
10 – Not focusing on your strengths in your career
11 – Not learning to sell your skills
12 – Not being able to read people
13 – Not Finding a mentor to guide and direct you
14 – Not Applying yourself practically
15 – Not improving your tacit knowledge
16 – Not networking with the right people
17 – NotFinding the right purpose to stay motivated
18 – Job hopping without gaining any valuable experience
19 – Not choosing the right college major
20 – Letting your career path be dictated by your academic qualification
21 – By letting society dictate your career path and not following personal judgement
22 – Not knowing how to deal with toxic people
23 – Not taking extra initiative to develop yourself
24 – Having a poor work ethic
25 – Not being able to stand out from the rest
There is probably a 100 more career mistakes to avoid; but they will probably come across as you navigate through working life. If we were to reveal them all – where would the fun be?
However if you enjoyed the post; these posts are sure to be equally beneficial:
101 ways to transform your life starting today
25 ways for how not to fail at life
To learn how to fully achieve success in all facets of your life, read: Applying A Growth Mindset To Achieve Success