With you spending so much time at work, you need to decide carefully about the type of company you are working for. Far too many people join companies without knowing exactly what they are getting themselves into. This often leaves them unsatisfied and afraid to make a change. If you fall into one of these categories but would like to now have a successful track record of fulfilling careers – Look no further.

After graduating with my degree, it took me a few years to realize this harsh reality of unfulfilling careers. I had just finished a graduate rotation across various departments only to be filled with advice from regretful my employees. They often advised me to follow my dreams and not be complacent. Some of these seniors stayed in one company for years despite knowing that they had lost their spark and ambitions. I soon realized that a job meant more than just doing what you studied and getting a paycheck – if you don’t choose wisely you will soon realize that your day will be spent staring at the clock, clawing at the door to get out. The following are some of the greatest lessons I have taken away from my experiences, use them to change the way you think about the company you work for:
Know the company culture
So what is this culture and why is it important? Every company is made up on individuals from varying backgrounds, beliefs and intellectual viewpoints. Some people are tolerant while others are not. Personalities are different and often clash. To ensure that everything runs smoothly as one well oiled-machine, companies therefore enforce a particular culture. This culture is influenced by values and ethics the company holds true to themselves. Therefore for you to gel well with a company means respecting the values and principles of the company enough to want to stand behind it. Do you respect the way the company treats it employees and customers? Are you passionate about what the company is trying to achieve in terms of corporate social investment? These are critical questions to delve into before deciding on pursuing a career within a company. You will soon find that just practicing your career is just a fraction of the job… the hardest thing to do is changing your mindset and viewpoints to fit into the overall strategy of the business and what it is trying to achieve. Knowing the culture of a company should therefore be at the top of your list if you want to enjoy the perks of fulfilling careers.
Are there smart people to learn from?
Fulfilling careers often have one thing in common i.e. growth. You never want to be the smartest person in the room when you are younger! This may change over time and you may one day find yourself being the smart “go to” person. However irrespective of age or seniority, all people need mentors to guide and teach them. This is especially true for younger people. Therefore before entering a company, ensure that you find out about the support systems in place that will help you grow and develop in the company. If there is no-one smarter than you in the room, it is often the case that you are in the wrong room and should start looking for another more lucrative positions.
The size of the company
Companies are usually small, mid and large caps. All of them have profound effects on employees. I was fortunate enough to work for both mid cap and large cap companies. The major difference will be what you are looking for. Smaller to mid cap companies are generally more volatile while larger companies are more stable and offer better security in terms of jobs. However,even for large companies, job security is never a certainty. Another big difference is that with smaller to mid cap companies – job roles are generally more versatile and as such will mean you get to learn more and develop skills across the board. For larger companies on the other hand, you will generally find yourself in a position with fixed requirements. You may fill out a more generic role staying in line with the policies and best practices of the company. So depending on what you are trying to achieve and at which stage of your life – paying attention to this will serve you well. All companies however provide valuable insight on how businesses work and offer equal challenges.
The position is the most obvious indication of fulfilling careers
When choosing fulfilling careers, people often choose career paths that pay the most or are most aligned with their qualifications. Sometimes people may find themselves in situation where they are forced to take on roles that get them stuck in one career path. Therefore it is critical to know where you are going and have a plan on possible career paths or skills that wish to develop. Remember the older you get the more difficult it will be to change your career path while still maintaining the monetary benefits you wish to receive.
Knowing these key principles will help you identify what companies best suit you as an individual. Remember if you choose a company, there should be a special relationship that exists. This will make for much more fulfilling careers and benefit you in the long haul.
If you need a break from the whole career thing – A gap year might be what you are looking for. Check out: 5 amazing gap year ideas to prepare you for your journey of mental rejuvenation
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To learn how to fully achieve success in all facets of your life, read: Applying A Growth Mindset To Achieve Success