Yes! A Study Life Balance For Students Does Exist

When I was in college, I quickly realized two things: 1) it is very difficult to maintain relationships with people from easier majors and 2) No matter how difficult a major is there is always an opportunity for a study life balance for students. If you are one of those over stressed and tired students often yearning forĀ  a break. Here are some great tips to help you maintain balance in your academic years.

study life balance for students - hall full of students

1. The power of prioritization

A perfect study life balance for students means incorporating a method of prioritization. As a student you may have a lot of time to spare. However, if you fail to prioritize your time – You will end up with failed targets and immense stress. Always have a diary in hand to note down long and short term projects, assignments and tests. From this, you will be able to work on things as they get closer to the deadline. You will also be able to gauge how much time you should allocate to each task. Consider how difficult or time consuming the activity is then allocate time in your schedule. This will free up your timetable by not focusing too much time on easy tasks and those due well in the future. The free time can then be used to relax, unwind and have a social life. If you want to delve more into the science of prioritization, then look at the 80/20 principle to find out what 20 percent of actions are required to achieve 80 percent of the results you want. Be careful though of mixing the act of prioritization with procrastination. Never leave things for the last minute – Unless you work well under pressure.

2. Learn regularly

Yes, this may seem obvious however it is easy to forget when you have 4 to 7 subject notes piled up – waiting for your undying attention. Learning your study material on a regular basis even when there are no tests and exams can beneficial in the long haul for two reasons. 1) you are able to save yourself grief from learning new material before exams and tests which usually takes a much longer time to grasp 2) you are able to identify gaps in your knowledge and ask lecturers or friends to assist you before a major test or exam. You will find that revising content rather than learning it, will be much easier and free up more time in your schedule to do enjoyable things. At first it may seem difficult, but once a habit has been formed it will be much more easier to follow through.

3. Follow the right crowd

“You can’t choose your family but you can choose your friends” – As the popular saying goes. This is one of the fundamental truths in maintaining a study life balance for students. When I was in college, being on the more brainy side, I attracted and was attracted to smart people. This made it easier for me to do well in tests, and assignments because of the support structure. It also meant that I was able to balance my study work life since my friends would foster a culture of work and play. During exam period we would kill the studying but still make time to do something fun to unwind. On the other hand, those students that maintained friendships with party maniacs ended up being sucked into this lifestyle. They had a lot of fun but no academic improvement to show for it.

4. A study life balance for students through positive reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is an excellent way to maintain a study life balance for students. Whenever I would do well academically, I rewarded myself by doing something fun like going out with friends. This not only gave me the balance I needed, but also positively influenced me to do well the next time. Be cautious however when playing this juggling act. You need to be careful that the achievement is deserving of the reward. Essentially it should be an up and down roller-coaster. A sort of give and take scenario.

5. Maximize your time

Just because you don’t have first lecture, it doesn’t mean you should sleep the day away. A study life balance for students means making the most out of the time in a day. Wake up early and go for a jog. Conversely, read a chapter from your textbook. Whatever it is, using this extra time means longer days for being more productive. Use lecture times for listening and not chatting with friends – You can do that after the lecture. Conversely, when its time to take a break, forget about studying. Its all about making the most out of the present moment.

6. Learn how to operate at your peak

We all operate differently as humans. You may work will with caffeine while others may not. Some learn well at night and others at the break of dawn. Whatever conditions allow you to operate at your peak, may full use of it. This will not only make you more efficient but also free up time to maintain that study and life balance you desire so much. I personally went through my college years with no coffee and supplements and found it best studying at 10-12pm. Other friends of mine called me mad and instead chose to become energy drink junkies. No two people are the same – Find out what triggers your learning muscle.

7. Take time to be mindful

Yes, you may be rushing to a lecture or learning for a test – But it only takes a few minutes to practice the act of mindfulness. Go outside and take a breath of fresh air. Hear the birds chirp. We all complain that there is not enough time because often our minds are clogged with unnecessary baggage. The art of mindfulness will give your perspective, peace of mind and clarity. If I knew this when I studied, it would have made things much more manageable.

Practice, learn and enjoy college. Its a great experience and sets the foundation for the rest of your adult life. A study life balance for students is easily achievable with practice and dedication.

To learn how to fully achieve success in all facets of your life, read: Applying A Growth Mindset To Achieve Success

To learn how to live life consciously and with a clear perspective; read this ultimate guide: A Mindful Approach To Self Actualization

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